South Road Green Space

South Road Green Space

Sign The Petition To Transform ‘Ugly’ Bus Station Into Vibrant Green Space

The Bus Interchange on South Road is the first thing that greets visitors to the area by train, its fair to say that the space could be redeveloped to welcome visitors and residents alike.

A campaign has been launched by passionate residents, led by Neil Doolan, to transform the barren concrete landscape of the Bus Interchange into a thriving green space. This grassroots movement aims not only to beautify the neighborhood but also to provide numerous health benefits for local residents.

For too long, the Bus Interchange has stood as a symbol of neglect and urban decay. Its stark concrete structures do little to uplift the spirits of those who pass by or instill a sense of pride in the community. However, Neil Doolan and fellow residents have other ideas.

Their vision is clear: to turn this concrete jungle into a lush oasis of greenery, teeming with life and vitality. They believe that by replacing the cold, grey expanses with vibrant vegetation, they can create a space that fosters well-being and connection among residents.

The benefits of such a transformation are unanimous. Studies have consistently shown that exposure to nature improves mental health and reduces stress levels. By introducing green spaces into urban environments, residents of Waterloo can enjoy not only a more aesthetically pleasing landscape but also a tangible improvement in their overall quality of life.

But this campaign is about more than just planting trees and flowers. It’s about revitalizing a community, reinvigorating a sense of pride, and reclaiming public spaces for the benefit of all. It’s about creating a legacy that future generations can enjoy and cherish.

Already, the petition to support this transformation has garnered widespread support from residents eager to see the neighbourhood flourish. With each signature, the movement gains momentum, bringing Neil Doolan and his fellow advocates one step closer to their goal of 1,000 signatures.

As the campaign continues to gain traction, it serves as a testament to the power of community activism and the belief that positive change is possible, even in the face of entrenched bureaucracy and indifference.

So, to the residents of Waterloo, join Neil Doolan and his fellow advocates in their quest to transform the Bus Interchange into a green space that we can all be proud of. Together, let’s make Waterloo a shining example of what can be achieved when communities come together for a common purpose.


At the time of writing this article (13/02/24) the petition has 391 signatures.

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