Easter Competition

Easter Competition

Easter Competition
Let’s Draw The Magic Of Solar Celebrations
Prizes include 1 x Family Of 5 Ticket At The Plaza, 1 x Group of 4 Pottery Painting At Make Your Mark & £50 Gift Voucher From Toys Toys Toys.

Hey there, little artists!

Guess what? Easter is almost here, and we’re diving into a super cool theme this year – the magic of solar celebrations! Imagine the sun waking up from its cozy winter nap, spreading light and warm sunshine all around. Cool, right?

We celebrate Easter on the first full moon of spring season every year. Easter is like a big, happy party where everything comes back to life, the flowers, trees, farmers crops and even the sun! But here’s the exciting part – we’re going to draw it all in a special way called solar theology. It’s like connecting Easter with the awesome power of the sun!

Let’s get creative! Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to draw a picture that shows the amazing things about Easter. Here are the three special things you need to include in your masterpiece:

The Egg: Eggs are like nature’s surprise packages, full of new beginnings and fun! Decorate your egg with your favourite colours and cool designs.

The Full Moon: Imagine a big, shiny full moon lighting up the night sky. It’s like a superstar in your drawing, making everything look extra awesome!

The Flower: Spring is almost here, flowers will pop up everywhere! Draw a beautiful flower to show how nature is waking up from its winter nap.

Picture this: a magical scene where your egg, moon, and flower are dancing together under the starry sky. It’s like they’re having the best Easter party ever!

Remember, your imagination is the superstar here. Your drawing can tell a story that’s totally out of this world! When you’re done, send your fantastic artwork our way by 21/03/24 via email - support@thewaterloocracker.co.uk. OR submit in person to Make Your Mark, 58 St Johns Road. Every single drawing will be featured on our website, and guess what? Every artist will enter a raffle with a chance to win a super special Easter surprise! (Draw Easter Sunday)

So, grab your colours, let your imagination run wild, and let’s make this Easter the most colourful and creative one ever!

Wishing you an egg-citing Easter adventure!

P.s - Encourage your parents/carers to get involved too, if they need a little help you’ve got it!

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