Stage Door Theatre School

Stage Door Theatre School

Spotlight on Creativity: Stage Door Theatre School

Since its curtain rise in 2005, Stage Door Theatre School has been a shining star in the performing arts arena. Founded by the talented actress Emma Vaudrey, this school invites your child to embark on an enriching journey through the world of drama, music, dance, and film. Nestled in the heart of Crosby, Stage Door is not just a school; it's a place where dreams take centre stage.

Unleash Your Child's Potential: The Classes We Offer

  • Drama: Drama isn't just an art; it's a powerful tool for developing confidence, imagination, and self-expression. In a safe and friendly environment, your child will dive into the world of professional acting, learning the essential skills and techniques.

    • Improvisation
    • Movement and mime
    • Character development and Voice and Speech technique
    • Monologue/Dialogue/Group work
    • Devising skills
    • Festival and exam preparation
    • Show and presentation work

  • Musical Theatre: Let your child explore the joy of singing through scenes and songs from a diverse Musical Theatre repertoire. The annual show brings together acting, singing, and dance in a harmonious celebration.

    • Pitch, tone, rhythm, and vocal range
    • Warm-up exercises and breath control
    • Harmony
    • Dexterity and articulation
    • Performing the story of the song
    • Development of vocal technique
    • Various musical genres and styles
    • Show and presentation work
  • Street Dance: An energetic and fun-packed class, Street Dance is a workout and an expression of creativity. From hip hop to breaking, your child will learn various dance routines in a relaxed yet energetic environment.

    • Posture and Flexibility
    • Warm-up and toning
    • Various street styles and influences
    • Rhythm and musical timing
    • Floor work
    • Choreography and Routine work
    • Spatial awareness
    • Show and presentation work

  • Ballet: Ballet classes not only keep your child active but also install discipline, promoting good posture, self-control, balance, strength, and stress relief.

    • Good posture
    • Releases Stress
    • Self-Control
    • Balance
    • Strength
  • Film: Film and Acting for camera classes offer a unique cinematic experience. From technical aspects to auditions, students explore the world of film, learning to operate cameras, direct scenes, and build confidence as performers.

    • Operating a hand-held camera and equipment
    • Directing scenes and camera set-ups
    • Preparing monologues, dialogues, and scenes
    • Building confidence as a screen performer
    • Devising and writing film scripts
    • Having fun with the camera

Contact Stage Door Theatre School and Step Into the Limelight!

For more information and to enrol your child in a world of creativity, visit our website.


  • Address: Blundellsands Methodist Church, Mersey Road, L23 3AE

Stage Door Theatre School - Where the spotlight meets talent, Creativity is nurtured and dreams take centre stage!

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