Dementia friendly sing-along

Dementia friendly sing-along

Harmony of Memories: Dementia-Friendly Sing-Along in Waterloo and Crosby

In the heart of Waterloo and Crosby, where community bonds are cherished, there's a musical haven that transcends the boundaries of time – the 'Songs We Remember' sing-along. More than an event, it's a celebration of nostalgia, connection, and the enduring power of music.

A Musical Journey Down Memory Lane

Hosted by the Irenaeus Centre, 'Songs We Remember' invites everyone to join a harmonious journey down memory lane. This sing-along is not just for those who enjoy the timeless tunes of yesteryears but holds a special place for individuals living with dementia and their dedicated caregivers.

Mark Your Calendar

The melody echoes every second and fourth Wednesday of the month, creating a regular rendezvous for musical enthusiasts and those seeking the warmth of community engagement. From 2.00 to 3.30 pm, the Irenaeus Centre becomes a space where songs knit together memories, and voices blend in perfect harmony.

Contact and Connection

Jenny Linker, the guiding force behind this musical initiative, welcomes inquiries and connections. For more information or to express your interest, reach out to Jenny:

Stay Tuned – Online and Onsite

To stay connected with the rhythm of 'Songs We Remember,' visit the Irenaeus Centre's website at and join the community on Facebook at The Irenaeus Project.

Where Melodies Reside

The Irenaeus Centre, nestled at 32 Great Georges Road, Liverpool, L22 1RD, opens its doors to all who seek solace and joy in the timeless tunes of the past. It's not merely a sing-along; it's a tapestry of shared memories and uplifting connections.

In the vibrant tapestry of Waterloo and Crosby, the 'Songs We Remember' sing-along at the Irenaeus Centre stands as a testament to the community's commitment to inclusivity, joy, and the enduring power of music to bridge gaps and create lasting memories.

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