Save Rimrose Valley Petition

Save Rimrose Valley Petition

Save Rimrose Campaign: Advocating for Sustainable Alternatives

National Highways (formerly Highways England), acting on behalf of the UK Government, unveiled plans on August 31, 2017, to construct a dual carriageway through Rimrose Valley Country Park. This proposed project, named the A5036 Port of Liverpool Access Road, aims to facilitate a substantial number of Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) journeys daily to and from the port, directly traversing the parkland and severing it from top to bottom. This initiative would create a physical divide between communities that have been interconnected by the valley for generations.

Despite an initial construction start date slated for 2020, the project has faced significant delays.

During this time, it has become evident that the issue transcends a mere 'stop the road' campaign. It carries profound, long-term implications for the residents of South Sefton and neighbouring communities. Moreover, the evolving landscape, marked by the climate emergency and the COVID-19 pandemic, has reshaped perceptions of what constitutes an acceptable and credible infrastructure solution.

Key Objections:

The Save Rimrose Campaign opposes this road proposal for several reasons:

  1. Absence of Sustainable Solutions: Sustainable alternatives were not explored by the Department for Transport before instructing National Highways. The expansion of the port occurred without adequate consideration of the necessary supporting infrastructure, placing the community at risk.

  2. Inadequate Budget Allocation: The budget assigned to this scheme is inadequate and does not align with the national strategic importance of the port, representing a fraction of the expenditure on infrastructure in the southern regions.

  3. Health and Environmental Concerns: Over 40,000 annual deaths in the UK are attributed to poor air quality, with HGVs being significant contributors. To address this public health crisis, HGVs must be kept away from residential areas, schools, and workplaces, while green spaces like Rimrose Valley must be preserved for the clean air they provide.

  4. Climate Impact: Transport is a major contributor to CO2 emissions, and major road-building projects contradict the government's declaration of a climate emergency.

  5. Covid-19 Impact: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of access to green spaces, with Rimrose Valley serving as a lifeline during lockdowns.

  6. Mental Health and Wellbeing: Access to green space is crucial for mental health, combating depression, anxiety, and stress. Rimrose Valley plays a vital role in local health practitioners' 'social prescribing' programs.

  7. Wildlife Habitat: Rimrose Valley is home to diverse flora and fauna, including threatened species. A road would jeopardize this critical habitat.

  8. Public Funds Misuse: The publicly funded project primarily benefits the privately-owned Port of Liverpool, raising concerns about the misappropriation of taxpayer money.

Campaign Demands:

The Save Rimrose Campaign calls on the Secretary of State for Transport to intervene and address the following:

  1. Immediate cancellation of National Highways' A5036 Port of Liverpool Access Scheme.

  2. Pursuit of non-road, sustainable solutions for freight movement, including rail, underground freight pipelines, and other alternatives outlined in Sefton Council's 2020 ARUP Report.

  3. Implementation of alternative solutions to eliminate or significantly reduce port-related HGV traffic from the existing A5036 route.

The campaign underscores the urgency of protecting Rimrose Valley and advocates for responsible decisions that prioritize the well-being of the community and the environment over short-sighted road proposals.

Take Action: Sign the Petition to Save Rimrose Valley!

Your voice matters, and you can actively contribute to the Save Rimrose Campaign by signing the petition. Join the movement to oppose the proposed dual carriageway through Rimrose Valley and advocate for sustainable alternatives.

Sign the Petition Here

By signing the petition, you stand in solidarity with the campaign's objections to the short-sighted road proposal and express your support for sustainable transport solutions. Be a part of the effort to protect Rimrose Valley and ensure a healthier, greener future for your community.

Spread the word, share the petition link, and let your voice be heard!

Last Updated: 14/01/24

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