Coronation Park Playground Project

Coronation Park Playground Project

Friends of Alexandra and Coronation Park Playground Project: Enhancing Community Engagement and Play Area Accessibility

At the commencement of 2022, a collective of local families, including parents and children, initiated a Saturday session within the well-established Friends of Alexandra and Coronation Park group. Engaging in gardening activities, painting benches, and participating in litter-picking, these families form a monthly group, inviting the wider community to join hands in collaborative efforts.

This initiative serves as a commendable means of connecting with younger children, fostering physical activity, and instilling pride in the local living environment. Among the primary objectives is a dedicated focus on the enhancement of the play area, ensuring it becomes an enjoyable space for the entire local community.

Identified Issues:

  1. Insufficient Play Equipment
  2. Lack of Accessibility and Inclusivity
  3. Deteriorated Surfacing from Old Tarmac, resulting in a slippery and gravel-like surface.
  4. Instances of Anti-social Behaviour due to group gatherings
  5. Aesthetic Dissonance with the Surrounding Area

Project Goals: The Friends of Alexandra and Coronation Park aspire to create a destination park that evokes a 'wow' factor, significantly uplifting the surrounding area. Special emphasis is placed on ensuring that children with disabilities have equal opportunities to enjoy the play area, addressing concerns raised by the Scope charity's 'Let’s Play Fair' campaign.

The envisioned improvements aim not only to benefit the local community but also to have a positive impact on the area's overall sense of community, mitigating instances of anti-social behaviour. Additionally, the revitalized space could serve as a platform for cultural and entertaining events, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community atmosphere.

Get Involved: For further information and to actively participate in this community-driven endeavour, contact

Follow progress: Stay updated on our progress and upcoming events by following us on social media:

Visit the projects fundraising page to see how you can help.

Join Friends of Alexandra and Coronation Park in making a lasting impact on community engagement and play area accessibility.

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