Irenaeus Project - Food cupboard

Irenaeus Project - Food cupboard

Irenaeus Project's Food Cupboard in Waterloo and Crosby

In the heart of Waterloo and Crosby, where the spirit of community support flourishes, the Irenaeus Project extends a helping hand through its Food Cupboard initiative. More than just a source of sustenance, it embodies the essence of care, compassion, and community solidarity.

A Welcoming Cupboard for All in Need

The Irenaeus Project's Food Cupboard warmly opens its doors to anybody facing challenging times. Whether you're in need of essential food items or toiletries, this community resource is here to lend support. The cupboard is thoughtfully stocked with a selection of items to cater to diverse needs.

Opening Hours for Accessible Support

Accessing the Food Cupboard is convenient, with its doors swinging open Monday through Thursday, creating a welcoming space for assistance from 10 am to 4 pm. The dedicated volunteers at the welcome desk are ready to assist and ensure that no one leaves without the support they require.

Connecting with Compassion

For those considering a visit to the Food Cupboard or seeking more information, connecting with Jenny Linker is the first step. Jenny, the driving force behind this community outreach, can be reached through the following:

Empowering Through Community Care

The Irenaeus Centre, located at 32 Great Georges Road, Waterloo, Merseyside, L22 1RD, stands as a symbol of community care and empowerment. It's not merely a Food Cupboard; it's a testament to the collective strength of a community that cares for its own.

In the vibrant landscape of Waterloo and Crosby, the Irenaeus Project's Food Cupboard shines as a beacon of hope, nourishing the community and fostering a sense of togetherness. It's a reminder that, in times of need, a helping hand can make a significant difference, and that difference is what community is all about.

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